canuckInLA, this really isn't a reply to you just replied because I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in and didn't know where to start.

I'm not opposed to gay marriage... I don't have a problem with anyone being gay. I do have a problem with the stupidity of the whole PC thing. For instance here in northern VA 10 miles outta DC gays cannot be married, but in an effort to make everything all PC and what not if you have a "same sex partner" you can claim them on some insurance policies. But myself, I don't really claim a religion (don't really believe in organized religion) and never really thought marriage was necessary (I think it's kind of a religious legally binding type thing which never really appealed to me or my "opposite sex partner) but because my partner is of the opposite sex, we can't put her on my insurance policy, because we're not married. Why not? She's my partner?? This bugs me... people in this country put waaay to much into a persons sex, sexual preference, color, religion and ethnicity. I think in a perfect world we'd stop using all this PC BS to dance around things that make us uncomfortable, accept things, deal with it and move on. But I could rant on stuff like this for hours so I'll stop.
Back to the whole gay thing.... do what makes you happy... thats how I feel. But my views are shared by few in this area of the US.
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's