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also would like to point out that the extra hurdles that must be jumped by homosexuals in order to parent. Therefore insuring that only those serious about parenting would actually be given the opportunity to do so. This hurdle dramatically changes the appearance of homosexual parenting. If the hurdles were less the seriousness of some parents would be equally less.

thats a "yes and maybe " comment down this way.

Lesbian couples can get pregnant simply by visiting the local Fertility clinic and either getting it free on the tax payer, paying the cost of the AI themselves, or by using the old Turkey Baster method or as my cousin did the old fashioned way.

Their hurdles to parenting this way are not much higher than any average man and woman who have kids - either deliberately or accidentally.

If the lesbian couple decides to not go this route and to adopt a kid, then yes, maybe the barrier is a little higher than it would be for a "straight" couple in this situation [e.g. no kids, wanting to adopt].

However, if you are a a couple of gay men - forget it, you cannot visit the local Fertility clinic to get your kid underway [except maybe - to make a deposit].

As far as adopting - the authorities here would run a mile before they'd let you [as gay men] adopt any kids - they wouldn't want the heat from all those lesbian or "straight" childless couples wanting to adopt the same kid when it became public that some gay men got in ahead of them.

I guess the underlying perception by the public is that gay men are more promiscuous than lesbians.

I don't have evidence one way or the other on this to make a comment, but I think thats the basis on which the authorities are making their value judgements about who is allowed to adopt kids.

BTW: Update on my cousin - she seperated from her [lesbian] partner 2 years after she gave birth to the boy [conceived the "normal" way] - she now lives with another [lesbian] partner and the original partner pays child support [and will do so until the child is at least 16]. Thats no different than if they were a straight couple and had seperated - whether they had married or not.

Apparently the new partner just adores the kid. Looks like it all worked out for my cousin.