> They have no idea whatsoever what they are going to put that kid through.
> They are not the ones that will get picked upon in school for this reason,
> day after day, year after year. (we all know kids can be cruel)

I know that this isn't your sole reason behind your opinion, but bear in mind that this isn't far off what people said in the 50/60/70's about mixed race couples having kids. Before that kids would be teased if their parents divorced.

Also remember that the parents themselves may have been bullied while at school and know first hand just what their child may face. That's probably why most gay parents say that they hope their kids are straight so they don't have to go through it too.

Often kids will tease because of the opinions that they had gathered from their parents and teachers. Kids can be cruel, but when they've heard the most trusted people in their life say something negative about someone else, they are going to believe it and use it as a reason to bully.