I think the thing is is that gays are sexual perverts, kind of like the guy nailing the goat up the ass or the priest with little johnny in the confessional. However, when a couple of fags decide it would be fun to ram eachother in the backside, it is a mutual decision, unlike the goat and unlike little johnny. This is a free country do what you like as long as you don't hurt anyone else.

As for them being able to adopt, like I said I think it is unnatural, harmful, and perverted behavior, and I feel sorry for a child raised by someone like that. But I also feel sorry for children raised by drunks, adulters, whatever. If no decent family is willing to take care of a child then I suppose anyone who is willing to take them in and care for them should be allowed to, and hopefully that person(s) is a decent human being and can raise the child into a decent adult. Amen.