Substitute the Christian symbols for anything else and I hope you'll see how prejudice you are being.

I have the same attitude on this that Jim does, and you raise a good point. (Other than using the wrong word; it should be "prejudiced".)

It feels to me as if they're saying "you should use my services not because I'm good, but because I'm a Christian". Or Italian. Or whatever. So, in some respects, it makes me feel that they're not going to be as good because they have to have a back door into why someone would want to use them. It also feels kind of insular to me.

At the same time, you're right about there being some prejudice. But being Christian and promoting that fact are choices they made, and I can just as easily choose not to use them. It's not as if I refuse to use plumbers (to pick a random example) because they're Italian (to pick another random example), but if they pointed it out (which is something that, beyond Christian purveyors, is quite uncommon here), it would make me question if they were good at their business.

At the same time, what if someone pointed out that their business was "white owned"?
Bitt Faulk