No, not safe from terror. Safe from teh gayness!@!

It really warms my heart to think that with all of the legitimate problems in my country, the Senate has chosen to spend almost a full week of the legislative calendar debating whether Adam and Steve (or Madam and Eve) can marry. All as a token gesture to the "conservative base", when they know the amendment has no chance to pass either house of Congress.

Because, after all,allowing same sex marriages is a "threat to the "institution of marriage." Or, as Dubya said today, "Gay marriage poses an iminent threat to the American traditional family." Even though the states which allow (or don't explicitly ban) gay marriage are at the bottom of the divorce rate list. So then they say "we need to protect the children!" Because, you know, all gay parents will have gay kids, just like all straight parents have straight kids!

If you had asked me two years ago, I would have swore to you that our political system is strong enough to withstand the moronitude of the current President and the incompetent buffoons which walk the halls of Congress. Today, watching Senators waste valuable legislative time on this phony issue (they only work 120 or so days a year to begin with), I felt for the first time that the train is off the track, and may never return to the station.
- Tony C
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