First: I love how the Left is trying to redefine marriage from what it has been through out history yet the Right is considered "radical" for wanting to maintain having marriage equal a man and a woman. Doesn't that strike anyone a little odd? I mean, YOUR side is the one trying to redefine marriage and WE get demonized for defending it.

No, I don't consider it odd. I do consider it radical (not to mention outrageous) that people continue to defend bigotry and unethical, oppressive practices, simply because "that's the way it's always been", in contrariness to the spirit in which the country was founded, regardless of "who started it".

If you think that same sex marriage is okay then let's debate on that. But be honest about it. Say, "I know this is a radical move, but I think it is ethical and I support it." I respect that and would love to talk about it. Maybe you'll open my mind.

If the previous thread on this topic was unable to sway your opinion on the subject, then I highly doubt there's anything left to be said that might open your mind.

Second: You have to admit that the Right is NOT bringing this topic up. You either don't pay attention to the news or aren't being honest. It was gay activists groups that pushed this through the courts. State after state has voted to make same sex marriage illegal yet judges who don't like laws along with activists who are forcing the issue on the courts are the ones that are making this an issue. Again, even if you disagree with me on whether it should be legal or not, you have to recognize that it was not conservatives that are making this an issue.

Tit-for-tat... you are either incapable of following your analysis to its logical conclusion, or aren't being honest: if conservatives hadn't been witholding marriage licenses from same-sex couples, there would never have been an issue in the first place, since the same-sex couples would have just quietly gone about their business of getting married and living their lives in peace. And you (or any of the other conservatives) would never have known the difference.