Provide examples. The quote from me says nothing about the church and even if it did, that doesn't change the fact about what marriage has been.

I'll do better: I'll show you how to find your own. Go to Google Scholar and search for polygamy marriage history. Granted, that will show you more about types of marriage not "ok" by the western view, rather than when the church got involved. But if you consider that the church has been around for no more than 2000 years, how were they involved in marriage before that? Or did it just not exist before the church "came up with it"? My point is that your statement about the way marriage "has been through out [sic] history" is simply ridiculous and disturbingly uninformed. This kind of spurious argument, tossed off as a soundbite left and right in recent times, is a much larger problem than whether someones marriage partner has a penis or a vagina.

And no, Brad, you're right: the quote from you said nothing about the church. Show me an athiest that gives a damn if gays or lesbians marry. We tend to be more concerned about individual rights than we are about policing everybody else.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is just me, every complaint regarding same-sex marriage has the church somewhere at its root.