I support your right to be a bigot.

Thanks, man! I appreciate that. After all, it's my constitutional right!

Just don't allow the federal governments or state governments to impose bigotry on anyone else.

WTF is a bigot anyways?

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own.

I'm not intolerant of gays. I've got no right or business stopping them from what they're doing. I am intolerant of the concept of marriage being redefined and destroyed. Perhaps some people are intolerant in my belief that a marriage is defined as man + woman?

I especially like the "marriage was once just a property arrangement" argument used by Jon Stewart and someone else in this thread. It's a tactic to belittle marriage and portray it as unworthy of being protected. I'm sure "marriage" has been defined as many different things in many different cultures during many different times. That doesn't make my definition of it worthless.

Do you have any type of work trailer or pickup truck we can carry a large load of rocks in? I think it's time for a few stonings. After all, that's the way certain problems have always been solved. And it IS the Judeo-Christian way.

The term "Christian" derived from a man known as Jesus Christ. But you already knew that. Did you know this is one of Jesus' most famous quotes?

Let he without sin throw the first stone

He said this to a group of people preparing to stone a woman. People were stoned all the time 2000 years ago. That doesn't mean it's the "christian way". Quite the opposite, actually. Ever noticed how all 1st world nations were originally founded on christian principles? The same 1st world nations that don't stone people? If you want to see people beaten to death in the streets by angry mobs, look no further than the middle east, where christianity is non-existant. Do a search for some videos online and see for yourself.