First: I love how the Left is trying to redefine marriage from what it has been through out history yet the Right is considered "radical" for wanting to maintain having marriage equal a man and a woman. Doesn't that strike anyone a little odd? I mean, YOUR side is the one trying to redefine marriage and WE get demonized for defending it.

If you think that same sex marriage is okay then let's debate on that. But be honest about it. Say, "I know this is a radical move, but I think it is ethical and I support it." I respect that and would love to talk about it. Maybe you'll open my mind. But don't point the finger at conservatives or Christians or whatever other group you're mad at for disagreeing with you and call them radicals.

Second: You have to admit that the Right is NOT bringing this topic up. You either don't pay attention to the news or aren't being honest. It was gay activists groups that pushed this through the courts. State after state has voted to make same sex marriage illegal yet judges who don't like laws along with activists who are forcing the issue on the courts are the ones that are making this an issue. Again, even if you disagree with me on whether it should be legal or not, you have to recognize that it was not conservatives that are making this an issue.

I agree that the timing looks a little too perfect for the '06 elections, and I'll grant you that. But this ball has been rolling for several years now and it wasn't started by the Right.

On a total side note: I wonder how JFK would have felt about all of this. Honestly. I don't mean it as a debate, I'm just aking the question because I really have no idea. My instinct tells me that he'd be for preserving marriage as it is defined today but then I see his brother's statements and I'm amazed at the difference my "memory" or JFK is with how Ted is today. Were they pretty much in line with one another back in the day or was Ted always a bit more liberal? I'd read up on the subject but there are only about 2,000,000 JFK books...where to start?
Brad B.