The Republicans are really *much* better at this than the Democrats, and Rush has certainly become a spokesaddict. My favorites are "do-gooder" (since when is doing good, bad?) and "tree-hugger" (sounds perverted, huh?), followed closely by "femiNazi" (practictioners of what, gendercide?). Words are significant.

Just look at the recurring debate about what conservatives call "The Death Tax." Who *wouldn't* be against taxing the DEAD? Nevermind that the real argument has to do with the fact that the majority of inheritances would already have been taxed as they were earned; that argument's *WAY* too complicated to bother.

I positively loathe both major U.S. political parties. Can you tell?

As for the word "liberal", I've never really seen this as a negative word

You're either lying, dense, or have never seen so much as a conservative campaign ad. (Or maybe you live in Texas. ;-) You can virtually hear the derision dripping off the word when, for example, Rush Limbaugh says it.
-- DLF