I've also decided I'm not going to take the plunge on an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray player until the format war/pissing contest is over. I realize that feeding my 5 year old DVD player without progressive scan into this system is going to be like putting a Yugo engine in a Ferrari,

A note about DVD players: I have a nice $25 one here that says "progressive scan" on the front. The output of this model is only 480p, which is noticeably jagged on my 37" 1366x768 LCD television.

The exact same discs look much smoother (like, perfect!) when played from my MythTV box to that exact same screen, probably because of the 720p+ output from the Myth box.

So a DVD player with 720p output should do a similar job, and produce a MUCH better image (noticeably better) than an older 480p one, even without jumping into the roulette game of HD DVD standards.
