now, given that i have no idea what it is that has caused you to ask this question... but for me i was reminded of part of "the point" a couple of nights ago while on a dry lake bed in Primm, Nevada. I was buggying across the playa as the sun set behind the mountains in front of me... and i saw the shadow of the mountain come down the valley towards me. So i turned my kite around... and actually raced the shadow of a mountain across the playa for 5 minutes. It overtook me at one point causing my shadow to blend into the grey of the mountain's shadow... until i caught a gust and my shadow reappeared in front of the mountains. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

My point: Get out. There's "points" all over the place. Beauty surrounds us if you are in the mindset to see it.

This probably has nothing to do with what you are talking about... but i just thought i'd share.
|| loren ||