You seem to be saying we have an innate knowledge of these rules, i agree compleatly. The only difference between us is that I think God put them there. Where do you think they came from?
Darwinian evolution. Adaptations towards mutual help -- towards "society-forming" -- caused creatures with those adaptations (bonobo, man) to out-evolve creatures without those adaptations.

Similar effects on a shorter timescale explain why the major religions see fit to reinforce those rules. Religions fostering social cohesion naturally survive longer than ones which don't: how many of the competitor religions mentioned in the Old Testament are still around today?

Of course, the religions probably weren't all deliberately designed to foster social cohesion (a theist who'd claim their god went round writing the holy books of all the world's religions, perhaps just to mess with people's heads, would IMO be worshipping a pretty messed-up god) any more than the animals were deliberately designed to be social. It's just that all the ones that weren't pro-society died out, so we see a world filled entirely with pro-society ones.
