Yeah, its because they think it is religious, and that anyone not following their religion (especially Americans) are evil. Hence it is a holy war to them.

Actually, there are plenty of non-Islamic, relatively free countries in the world which are not hated by Al-Qaeda. It's specifically the US which they have a problem with.

I totally agree.. they don't make readily available the reason for their terrorism - their message. I believe they simply don't care, the only answer to them is to destroy our way of life. I say 'our' to not mean 'American' but anyone that lives in freedom.

I always had the impression that it had more to do with US foreign policy in the Middle-East. I suspect that, much as with British foreign policy in Northern Ireland in the 80s, the oppressor nation's media (and the media of close allies) have not been telling the story entirely even-handedly.
