Okay. This is all I'll say about guns: I think that handguns are largely evil. There is some legitimacy in using handguns for defense, but I think that you'll seldom find that a valid argument out on the streets somewhere -- only in the home. I don't believe that the same sort of gun control that works in the UK could work in the US based largely on the fact that the US is more spawling than the UK and the mindset of the average person is affected by that. It's also more difficult to police wide-open areas.

Also, it's interesting to note that the standard sidearm for the US Army changed from a .38 revolver to the Model 1911 .45 semiautomatic when fighting the Moros in the Philippines. The reason for this is that the Moros would get into an altered state before battle and, essentially, the .38 bullets would pass through them unnoticed. The .45 bullets knocked them down, which is what it took to stop them.
Bitt Faulk