I thought bin Laden had made himself perfectly clear
It wasn't my intent to say that he hadn't. Rather, that he/they don't make a lot of effort into promoting that. If that was his real concern, he'd spend more time making, for lack of a better term, press junkets, when, in fact, apparently almost all of his time is spent in killing folks, and even some of that is done so that we don't know it was necessarily them, which doesn't promote extending his concerns.

Those facts lead me to believe that his espoused reasons for his terrorism are simply there to supoprt his killing, rather than the other way around.

Of course, my facts could be incorrect. I'm sure that, at least in part, the reasons that Al Qaeda messages were ``banned'' is that more westerners would begin to understand his concerns. It would be horribly unfortunate if this was all because he was under the impression that westerners understood his cause and didn't care, when, in fact, they didn't, and still don't, know.
Bitt Faulk