So my qustion still stands unanswered (I believe). How come the faschists have been put to the right wing?

Because, I think, like "communism", the word is no longer used in its original meaning. In the US, even the proletariat opposes communism, because to them it means totalitarianism, atheism, and anti-Americanism. Likewise, and not just in the US this time, everyone opposes fascism because to them it means totalitarianism, invading everyone, and massacring Jews.

Unsurprisingly, what with all the invading and massacring, everyone has forgotten that fascism was originally quite a good socialist agrarian reform policy, and both Hitler and Mussolini (who always seemed less enthusiastic about the invading and massacring anyway) had hugely beneficial effects on their countries' economies before they went berserk.

The evangelium of Tomas was taken away from the bible (I think it was in year 1500 or so)

Probably more like 400? The apocryphal gospels often make cracking reading ("Woe to you for the wheel that turns in your minds!") but if you read enough of them it's clear that they cover a huge metaphysical range, and clear that the Christian church as we know it today was defined more by the councils that canonised the, er, canon, twelve generations after the fact, than it was by Jesus of Nazareth.

I try to fallow the commandments as good as i can, as I think they are good guidelines for humans regardless of religious beliefe.

Me too. So long as religion is basically a trick to make people do good when they otherwise wouldn't, I think it does have a place in sufficiently primitive societies. It's when religion starts to be about accruing vapourware afterlife benefits by doing things that increase human suffering (or decrease human happiness) in this life, that it stops being a Good Thing.

Despite the impression people might have got so far, I'm not really anti-religious. I'm not anti- anything that's harmless. (And you only have to read this book to realise that it's a terrible shame when a religion dies out altogether.) It's only when religion isn't harmless that I'm against it.
