Are you talking about politics and the religious right

Partially. I can understand voting Republican and not liking some of their aspects (well, in times past when the Republican party was not the asylum I believe it to be today), but you base at least some of your choice on your religion, thinking that somehow Bush (to pick today's candidate) represents your faith more than whatever other party might be involved. Honestly, I believe that he represents the opposite of what you believe. You may say that you don't want the government dictating morality, but you vote for the people who want it to do so anyway. (I also have issues with you believing that somehow the Republicans still stand for smaller government -- see the beginning of this thread for evidence that it doesn't -- but that's neither here nor there for this argument.)

I also believe that you're part of a culture that looks to overwhelm every other culture you don't agree with. I could go on a rant here, but I won't. I just encourage you to look with whom you're aligning yourself. You may not share the same views on things. They may be strange bedfellows, but they're bedfellows nonetheless.

I guess what I'm getting at is that you have strong views about things. I think that's great. What I'm confused by is that, to me, your ultimate choices always seem to undermine those views. When put on the spot, you always seem to have a copout like "well, they all do that". What has to happen to get your political actions to line up with your professed beliefs?

I'm all too understanding of not having anyone to represent you politically. I have the benefit of having my personal politics lie well to the far side of one of the major parties in the vast majority of ways, making my choice easy, if lousy. But at some point you have to realize that someone that used to represent you no longer does, even if they still claim to do so.

I don't know. I've always had very leftist political views, but, until recently, I've not been all that politically minded. It just seems that all of the organizations that you support are, in my opinion, undermining the very foundation of the United States and are changing this country that I love into one I can't even respect. I know I come off as arrogant and argumentative, but it's a topic that is as close to me as I imagine your religion is to you.

That wasn't a very coherent post, I imagine. What I'm getting at is that I think you're a decent guy with whom I have some differences of opinion. But I see you backing virtually everything that I think is wrong with the country these days, and it makes me angry. It makes me even angrier and sadder to know that decent people like yourself are backing this insidiousness.
Bitt Faulk