Well, there's a notable difference between libertarianism (the ideology) and Libertarianism (the political party). The most significant of my problems lies with the party. Mostly that they're totally crazy. I know it sounds like I'm painting with a wide brush, but I've met a lot of them and they are. I'd be happy to find some that aren't.

On the other hand, though, while I may agree with the notion behind their stances, I disagree with most of the ways they want to do it. In particular, I completely disagree with the notion that a laissez-faire economy does anything more than make the rich richer. I also think that while democracy can have a "tyranny of the majority" element to it, the lessening of government just makes it happen more. You need a government to protect minorities. Not having a government is just going to make it worse. Of course, you also need an administration that is willing to actually do that.

So, while I agree that people in society should be free to do what they please, I disagree that companies should be considered people and I disagree that a lessening of governmental restrictions is a means to that end.
Bitt Faulk