Interesting. I hadn't thought about it that way.

I do, however, have a different personal definition for the word addiction, which doesn't match what you're describing, and doesn't match the dictionary definition either. I guess, using my definition, it could be a social pejorative, but for good reason: For me, something goes from enjoyment to addiction as soon as it starts harming you and your loved ones, yet you keep doing it because you can't will yourself to stop. This is something you can say for gambling abuse and drug abuse, and can't always say for a lot of other things that carry the moniker. So, to sum up: for my definition of the word, I think it's possible for gambling to be truly an addiction for some people.

I agree that some people might use pejorative words like "addiction" or "disorder" to describe behaviors that they simply believe are immoral, even when those behaviors don't hurt anyone. I have always considered that kind of attitude to be wrong, no matter what word they use.
Tony Fabris