Ughh, I might get flamed for this, but what does religion have to do with this discussion? Almost every post in this thread discusses religion when this is in fact a legal matter. At least, assuming we are talking about the US, we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. Laws define who can get married (married according to a legal definition not a religious one) and religion should not have a part in that. The only reason we even have a legal definition of marriage is because married couples have certain legal rights/responsibilities that single people do not have. I don't understand why it seems to be so hard for people to separate the concepts of religious vs. legal marriage. A legal marriage is on recognized by the government and a religious marriage is recognized by some specific religious group. There is no reason why these two definitions need to perfectly overlap. I wouldn't vote for a law that told the church who they where allowed to marry so why should religious beliefs have any impact in who can get married in a courtroom?


p.s. Then again I am also against most legal benefits for married couples, so why do I care in the first place?
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