This is of course somewhat dependent on which version of the bible and which book of that version you are reading. All of the contents of the bible (and any religious text really) are tainted by the people who actually wrote the document

This doesn't work. The book is what it is. Rewriting it to make it a "kindler gentler" bible doesn't really do much for it's validity. And if it's tainted by the people who wrote the document, how can anyone's interpretation be any less tainted?

I wouldn't say that it is fair to hold a religious person to the word of the documents their religion is based on.

Uhhh... so....a person's religion....err....doesn't have to believe or follow the ....


The individuals actions and personal beliefs are much more important

Agreed. 100%

you wouldn't want that person to judge you solely based on your lack of religious beliefs.

Hrmm... Am I to assume I'm not allowed to have religious beliefs because I...

(a) Don't follow a belief system that is (in my opinion) rife with conflict, contradiction and prejudice, and
(b) Don't constantly point out what my belief system is, how it works, and why people should accept it / understand it?

Forgive me, but I DO have beliefs. But they're my beliefs. And to assume that I have none because I don't follow Christianity is quite wrong.