Second... Marriage, in my opinion, was created as a partnership to create a family. If two people of the same sex do not have the ability to naturally create life of a child on their own.... well then they can't be married

Ugh. Jerz, this is not a personal attack I promise.

But this is the kind of backward, ignorant bullshit that I can't fucking stand.

Can't be married??? By who's law? Who the hell is a person to even have an opinion if a couple can get married or not? How does it effect YOUR LIFE IN ANY WAY? Give me one good reason that does not have a religious background.

So are you saying that if I marry a woman and don't have children (by choice or not) then the two of us don't have a family?

Please wake up to the 21st century and the last 2000 years of human evolution and realize that life is a process, we are not the same as 2000 years ago, and in order to survive humans must change. Opinions must change. We must redefine ourselves all the time, and understand that if we continue to hold on tight to what was relevant 200 or 2000 years ago, the only thing we do is hold ourselves back.