About slavery

Colossians 3:22

"slaves in all things submit to those who are your earthly masters."

1 Peter 2:18

"Slaves submit to your masters, not only those who are good and gentle, but also the perverse [ones]."

That was written to a people in a socioty in which slavery was an every day part of life. Neither Paul nor Peter is condoning slavery. They are saying that if you are a slave, then God does not condone you revolting against your masters.

Why? Because we should at all times strive to live at peace with one another. Because love (even.....especialy.......when the person does not love you back) is the first and second commandment. Because slavery, although abhorrent, to a saved soul that will spend eternity in heaven is not the worst thing in the world (I am by no means condoning it or saying it would be enjoyable.)
- Marcus -