I think it's an old problem. Just look at the Catholic church's condemnation of Galileo for the heresy of... heliocentrism. The church taught that the sun revolved around the earth and, well, it just doesn't work that way.

Evolution is the current version of the same issue. Evolution is one of the most rigorously tested theories in all of science. Evolution, alongside theories of the Big Bang and so many other things, completely and utterly disproves Young Earth Creationism. However, there's still lots of room under the Old Earth Creationism banner for religion to thrive.

Just as the Catholic Church turned around on heliocentrism (although if Wikipedia is to believed, their first formal apology wasn't until the 1990's via Pope John Paul II), it's just a matter of time (perhaps centuries) before Young Earth Creationism is left behind as an anachronism, and religions adapts themselves to reality as we best know it.