I'm going to have to throw my support behind Jeff here. I'm hitting this thread very late, or I would have chimed in far earlier. Thus far, everything Jeff has put forth as the tenets of Christian faith are spot on.

I have to admit that I used to believe in theistic evolution, but the more I read and studied the more convinced I became that there was an intelligent creator that very specifically designed our world and all its inhabitants. The universe we inhabit is simply too beautifully perfect to have happened by nothing more than random chance. The most basic of cells are still mind-bogglingly complex. I feel that it takes more faith to believe that all this around us just random bits of matter bouncing around randomly in a void making pretty patterns.

Here's the thing. I have yet to be convinced evolutions is actually happening. Adaptation, sure. What I am not seeing in the fossil record is any merging of different species. Only whole, distinct species. My understanding of evolution is that there are extremely small changes that slowly diverge into distinct species or fork and one group changes and one stays the same. I don't see any evidence of this.