So I'm doing woefully at keeping up with this thread. Living so remotely, much more of my time is spent just keeping everything running and working just so that we can live. Doesn't leave much time for internet.

To add to that, someone stole one of our backup generators last night. Pushed it about half a mile down a sandy dirt road in a wheelbarrow at around 2am to a waiting truck. Spent the morning dealing with the police, who I had to pick up since they don't have a vehicle. I had to write my own statement because he was too lazy. Pretty much an exercise in futility since they won't do anything. I know exactly who did it because I recognize the vehicle tracks. He has three different tires with very distinctive and different tread patterns and one wobbly wheel. Unmistakeable. I know he's going to get off scott free. I also know he'll smile and greet me next time I see him as if nothing happened. The temptation to take out some vigilante justice is quite strong right now.

Anyhow, all that aside, Jeff's doing a good job expressing views that align with mine exactly, and with much more eloquence and substance. I'll get back to add in more as I have time.
~ John