Originally Posted By: Cris

It's quite scary to me that you truly believe that.

Incompatibility No.1 - "God created everything, full stop" vs "We are not 100% sure yet but here is what we think at the moment...and why...but we could be wrong which is why we still have people looking into it"

There are many scientific laws. I'm open to examples, but this isn't one.


As for taking time out of the argument for evolution, what about taking the Bible out of the argument for Christianity, what have you got left then ???

Let's leave out the fact that this is an apples and oranges comparison.

1. You've got thousands of years of brilliant minds observing nature and coming to the conclusion that there is a Creator.

2. Even with current knowledge and technology you'll find many brilliant people making the same observations and coming to the same conclusion. It's simply two sets of people looking at the same set of data and coming to entirely different conclusions.
~ John