Broad arguments that the universe had an Intelligent Designer, which is what some appear to be arguing recently in this thread, do not contradict evolution, as theistic evolution certainly falls under the broad definition of Intelligent Design. It is only when you get to Biblical Creationism that you run into issues with the creation of man through evolution. While I believe the notion that observation of the world around us leads to the conclusion that there certainly was an Intelligent Designer, I do not believe those arguments say anything about evolution. The claim of ID is actually quite moderate- only that to get the Universe we have we must have had an Intelligent Designer (it doesn't even claim anything about the morality of said designer, much less that He is the God of the Bible). Now if the argument is for Biblical Creationism then I'm all on board with denying evolution as a mechanism for creating man; however, proving ID does not mean you've proven Biblical Creationism. Christians and other ID proponents need to be careful about this because supporting pure ID as an alternative to evolution lacks credibility- it is one thing to argue what we can tell about our Creator through scientific observation; it is another to try and use those observations to get Creationsm in through the back door.

To say it differently, I do not need science to tell me Biblical Creationim is true, nor do think that is really within the scope of what scientific observation can illuminate for us. ID is neat as far as it goes, but it does not make big claims and what it does claim is clear enough to all believers anyway. What it proves to an unbeliever is of small value in my mind, as you still have a long way to go to get from 'There is an Intelligent Designer' to 'Jesus Christ is the solution to my sin problem'. I agree that it might serve as a nice first step toward arguing for faith, but if we use it to try and backdoor Biblical Creationism into science class, we have overreached its claims and likely destroyed any value it may have in our evangelistic efforts.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.