If you want some of us (me?) to attend to your opinion on things like ho-mo-sex-u-al-i-ty, I think you are going to have to first post and tell us how things went at your dinner with Dan (djc).
Unfortunately it never happened. In that thread, Dan essentially said that he was trying to drive home that there are people behind these ideas that we are arguing- they aren't just notions without consequence. I agree with that completely, and would've met (and would still meet), but the idea seemed to get dropped.

Honestly, though, I'm not trying to argue my beliefs about homosexulaity here. I went into all of that (which I know we've all heard before) to try and explain where the issues are and this isn't a simple case of Christians hating homosexuals.

Zero cost to you, right? Just a few minutes of your time.
If Dan still wants to meet, I'm available. And if I gave him the impression that I was less than interested, I apologize. LIke I said, I got the feeling that he'd made his point and did not wish to persue this any longer.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.