Just for the record, ID and evolution are compatible. ID only asserts that some intelligence is responsible for creation and that this is evident by studying the world around us. Likewise, evolution does not assert that God does not exist.

First off, I just wanted to thank you Jeff. Your time spent on this thread is amazing, and it is helping to provide a good insight into ID.

Anyhow, I think this has been discussed elsewhere before, but the general problem with ID in schools seems to be that it tries to teach an unprovable concept with the creation part. Right now, we have no scientific method that can explain how the universe was created. There are many theories, some tying into the string theory that get us close to understanding the first few seconds of the universe, but it is still unknown how the big bang happened. ID not only tries to usually be taught alongside evolution, it also tries to put an unprovable answer to where life and the universe came from.

I am at least happy to see one person saying that ID and evolution can co-exist, and also that evolution can have a part in explaining ID. The people I have talked to before generally try to tie too much of the religious aspect into the ID debate, and for me, that invalidates their point when it steps away from science and asks you to have faith.

On a side note, I personally have no issues with any type of religious classes in school. I would have preferred an education that at least gave me the basics on the major religions around the world. Religion is very much a major part of humanity, and to avoid it at all costs is an extremism that I dislike.