I don't think that there's any conspiracy behind it. I just think it's the work of a group of people who somehow think that evolution is in contradiction with their belief in God, which I still hold as being absurd. (If everything was created by God, what prevents Him from having created evolution?)

The only reason for it is if you believe the Bible literally, which is itself absurd based solely on the fact that it has so many internal inconsistencies, from contrdictory viewpoints, to historical inaccuracies, to "plot" points changing, to inconsistent internal logic.

My thought is that it's based on the notion that science in general, and evolution in particular, is set out to destroy religion, or at least Christianity, and while I'll admit that there are a lot of scientists who, no doubt, have that bias, the facts have no bias, and many of the scientists also have no bias. Many more are active Christians and have no trouble reconciling God and evolution.
Bitt Faulk