At what point do you expose the child to other religions, and, does it make sense to? Should a 10 year old be given a full explanation of the 3 major religions, and then a quick overview of the 15 bajillion other religions so that from there he/she can make an informed decision? Or is the parents right to choose to bring their child up in faith of their choice, the one that has worked best for them and which they would like to extend to their offspring.

I completely agree. I was simply pointing out that all religions attempt to protect and propogate themselves by passing down faith from parent to child. And I believe that it is every parent's right to do so.

In Christianity, the Bible says to "train a child in the way he should go, and when he old, he will not depart from it." In other words, if you have trained a child by correct principles, no matter what his state of affairs during his/her "exploration years," they will return to what is right.

And to get back on topic, I have no problem allowing a parent to choose the type of schooling that they deem necessary for their child's well-rounded education. I do believe that all schooling types - government run or otherwise - should be tested to maintain high academic standards.

But sadly, our schools are putting out idiots that think this is a sentence: YAAH I ROXORS1!1!11!! OMG IMM DA SHIZNIT!1!11 OMG LOL