Just for the record, ID and evolution are compatible. ID only asserts that some intelligence is responsible for creation and that this is evident by studying the world around us. Likewise, evolution does not assert that God does not exist.

In a practical sense, most proponents of ID happen to also not believe in evolution, but they do not do so on the basis of ID. Rather, Christians who do not believe in evolution do so on the basis that evolution requires death to have happened before the fall and sin entering the world. Since death is a consequence of sin, it therefore follows that evolution (which requires death as part of its process) is not consistend with the character of God as revealed in the scripture (ie. God would not permit death in a world not overcome by sin).

So Theistic Evolution is consistent with ID, but not the concept of death entering the world after the fall.

Not that this changes the argument signficantly, but I figured it's best to know where the real issue is.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.