Yeah, well I think that Jesus said that any man can do the things he does, if they only had the faith, and I agree.

Personally, I don't see how anyone can not believe in God. How can the universe exist? It had to have been created, for instance by God. Well who created God then? It's a paradox. Our very existence is a paradox. It's impossible, by our understanding. So there must be a higher understanding, a higher being, that resolves this paradox.

As far as big bang theories and whatnot go, they change with time. A hundred years from now, scientists will have a completely new belief. But christians have believed the same thing for thousands of years.

No matter what you believe about the past, it's still based on faith because neither you nor I were there to witness it, and even if you were, you're only putting your faith in your eyes and ears. It's just a question of whether you put your faith in evidence from objects in the outside world, like rocks and stones, or whether you put your faith into what you feel in the depths of your own soul, which is the only place that you will find God.