Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Android doesn't even require a touch interface, much less a multitouch interface. Given, most Android devices these days do have a touch interface, but there is no requirement that they do.

I can understand the reason, but why does a device with multitouch still need the on screen UI clutter to zoom in and out? By sticking them there in all cases, it shows their goal quite clearly. Run on as many devices as possible, but never provide an optimal experience on any one of them.

I don't know what the big deal is about those zoom buttons. They're quite small, and the second you move the map around, they disappear, and only come back if you single-tap the screen. I prefer the have the choice, so that if I don't want to pinch-zoom, I don't have to. That way I can use the phone one-handed.

Of course, we're getting into the nitty gritty here, and this doesn't have much to do with the future of the iPad. Basically I liked the device, but I found it quite heavy...