So what's next for Apple? Here are a few things I think they should do.
1. Forbid Google/AdMob (all other Ad providers) ads in apps in the App Store.
This just in. Apple to Google: "Suck it."
They haven't outright banned other ad service providers, but they've done something even more clever, good for consumers and good for protecting their IP. They've put in language in the most recent SDK licensing agreement to forbid certain types of data to be collected by third parties without the consent of the end-user/customer and certain other types outright.
This helps protect customer privacy and it also helps prevent competitors like Google from gaining inside knowledge they can use to help their own products and marketing efforts.
Oh, the agreement also excludes ad companies that are owned or affiliated with device or OS companies - as they'd be able to obtain competitive information to use against Apple's own products. This essentially blocks Google's AdMob from being used in apps. So essentially, they've done exactly what I suggested, but only to Google (at this time).
I'm LOVING this because it completely devalues AdMob, which now it appears Google paid far (far) too much for when they stole it from under Apple (who were already in talks with AdMob for a sale). You'd swear there was
a group of screenwriters behind the scenes controlling the world.

I'm sure this is going to be added to the DoJ inquiry. I hope with all my might that it comes around to bite Google in the ass and opens up a bigger inquiry into their own data acquisition/retention practices. They're no Facebook/AOL, but they're down-right scary nonetheless.
I think more than ever, Apple needs to make a play for their own map/nav IP. Let's see if my second suggestion to Apple plays out.