I can't argue with anything you said, and the iPad looks more and more appealing to me all the time. I just can't afford the cost, and for me, there's simply 0% chance that it can replace my netbook in my business, as I so often need an ethernet jack to troubleshoot networking issues. I have no doubt it could replace netbooks for many people, just not me unfortunately. It would be a nice addition, though.
I definitely think that the 3G device is more appealing as well, though I have concerns about what they allow over the networks. The ABC player, for instance, won't work, and I've heard other video is really downgraded. Can you speak to those issues?
Just to be clear, I'm not hating anywhere in this post

Like I said, I'm always finding the device more appealing, and clearly I'm being proven wrong about the success of it, though I'm still curious to see long term effects.