Originally Posted By: RobotCaleb
They only tried to contact you by one of the worst inventions ever?

Yup. Really, I blame the hype around Twitter more than anything. The entire idea of Twitter, as I keep hearing the tech press talk about it, is that it's a stream that you jump into and out of at any time. If I were just checking my main Twitter page, I'd have to watch it like a hawk to see that message from Dreamhost float by.

But instead, it was a creation of the users (@ replies), that were used to inform the winners. I believe you can check these replies (or "mentions," as I believe they're calling them now) from the site, but it's mostly something that seems to be done through 3rd party apps.

Grr. That really sucks. It's not the end of the world, and I didn't have an iPad yesterday either, but it sucks knowing that if I'd installed that app two weeks ago, I'd have one now.