The Comedy Channel consistently lists Important Things coming on when Sarah Silverman is on.
Yeah yeah, but when does Ha! list it?

There's a much easier example of bad design in the Tivo UI, Bitt. Just try searching for...well...anything! Terrible. And the fact that the QWERTY remote isn't standard on the Series 4 means they haven't gotten that it's a
necessity. I love how they equated their Series 4 announcement as being just a big a deal as creating the first Tivo, but so poorly backed it up on this front. At least you can use USB keyboards.
Anyway, Comedy Central has been, for the entire span of Tivo's existence, the single worst big channel in the guide. It constantly amazes me how bad they are. In fact, I distinctly remember Jon Stewart of all people making fun of it back when he took over, saying that when he Tivos his own show, he has the privilege of watching it 5 times a day.
Sorry for helping get this topic back off-track.