I liked
Scott Kurtz's blog entry about the iPad. In the end, he was right:
Early adopters aren’t stupid. People who buy an iPad are not stupid. People who think the iPad is a waste of money are not stupid. Buying or not buying an iPad because of what people say is pretty stupid though. We’re all adults. If you can afford it and you want to buy one, get it.
That's pretty much the case for any of these gadgets, no matter who makes it, and I guess I'm out of the device hating business. I have a smartphone that I can actually get things done one (I mean as opposed to the one I used to have, not competitors), so I'm happy. Perhaps I was carrying resentment because my G1 was utter crap hardware-wise

And again, I do envy iPad owners for one thing: being able to use
Square. I swear to God, that's enough to make me consider an iPad all by its self. If only I had some indication they were working on an Android version.