I've grown to like the iPhone portrait keyboard and hate the landscape one, mainly because the landscape keyboard is too big, so it slows me down. The portrait keyboard works, totally with my thumb, at a reasonable speed. The trick, as always, is to "use the Force" and go back and correct errors later.

In my brief playing with a Googlephone, though, my now-hardwired finger motion of going back and correcting myself is not really optimal on Android. You really need to pay attention to the suggestion list and make your picks from the list if at all possible.

Everybody online is grumbling about the lack of multitouch. The thing that first snagged me is the lack of the loupe for fine cursor positioning. Presumably, given the open-source-ness of Android, there will eventually be patches to fix all of this. Patent infringement issues would get tricky, but that's a separate problem.