Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Pretty soon Google will have a Nexus One that works with all four major US carriers, and that's a big deal.

They will? I've never seen a phone support GSM *and* CDMA. Maybe you mean multiple hardware versions of a branded "handset."

But back to the above point, let me start by saying I don't consider a different radio in the same phone makes it a different phone. So with that in mind, then you clearly haven't been paying attention, because right from the very first announcement (you know, the one that made you start this thread), they announced that the phone would be coming to Verizon eventually. It hasn't yet, but it will. Last week it was announced that Sprint was expecting to support it as well. And lastly, as of last week you could purchase a Nexus One with AT&T bands. You can get one right now.

I'm sorry, but I don't find your first several points as relevant. They mostly dismiss the Droid simply because another product came before it. My point was that a single Android phone was getting better numbers in one area than the iPhone (something you'd do as well, given the chance), and this doesn't count the other Android devices out there.

Let us know how it turns out long-term for you. That's the biggest measure of the platform or any given product. Right now, most people with an Android phone can't even get a semi-current OS for their handset.

First off, there's already no possible way it will be anything but a step up from my current phone. I already love the operating system, I just need better hardware.

And to address the second part of that statement, as it's a different idea altogether, you're right, fragmentation has become a big issue. I might eat my words later, but I suspect it'll be a long time before the Nexus One gets left behind like this. In nearly all of those other situations, the reason the phones haven't been updated has been the carriers. Google wants to update the Droid, Motorola wants to, but Verizon is the only thing in their way. The Nexus One isn't tied to a carrier like that. There's nothing stopping Google from giving it the latest updates. But believe me, I'll be pissed if they don't.