Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Google really needs to stop running with the knock-off crowd that release a new handset every 15 minutes.

That sounds nice at first glance, but who is the not-knock-off crowd these days? Apple and RIM, obviously, but, equally obviously, they aren't going to get any traction there.

What are the other big-name brands? Motorola? They seem to be well on board; their CEO has said that Android is their future. Nokia? Yeah, they're definitely not. I figure Samsung is on the bubble between knock-off and not. They have a bunch of Android devices.

Beyond that, Dell and Lenovo are entering the phone game with Android devices. Huawei has at least one. (Not sure where they fall on the spectrum, either.)

But, as Dan points out, having every would-be crappy phone running a decent OS can only have positive effects. And it seems there's little reason for the crappy phone makers to develop their own OSes anymore.
Bitt Faulk