Originally Posted By: hybrid8
BTW, this past quarter put at least another 18M iPhones and iPod touches in the hands of consumers according to the earnings report Apple released on Monday.

Great for them. I'm sure not a single Nintendo DS was sold in that time.

As for the games, you didn't address the issue at all. You just said something like "I heard the developers made a lot of money." That doesn't say anything. Do you have numbers of games sold? And really, that's hard to compare too. It's sort of apples and oranges across the board on this argument, really. I still don't think they have as much to stand on in the gaming area as they think they do, and that is to say that they think the iPhone is the greatest portable gaming platform around. Personally, for that to be true, I'd need to have more control input than just a touchscreen and accelerometer. Neither method is at all appealing to me as a primary control method on a portable gaming device.