Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Mac mini (hardly), AppleTV (probably still sells more units than any other media streamer) and the HiFi speaker dock for the iPod (why bother even bringing this one up?)

I haven't heard a single person mention the Mac Mini as being a failure. Most of the people I've heard of bring up the cube.

As for the AppleTV, it's a failure because Apple hardly did anything with it. It should have been much bigger than it was, and had great potential, but they did nothing with it. It was also insanely difficult to get my own video onto it. I kept creating videos that would import into iTunes fine, but then not play on the AppleTV, and that is decidedly not what Apple is known for, or at least what they try to project.

As for the Hi-Fi, oh, I'm so very sorry that nobody is allowed to mention that. Are you seriously saying you're not an Apple apologist? We can't even mention the Hi-Fi? I think people are mentioning it because it was a big focal point of one of these big shows that Apple likes to put on, so if they're calling all the press to come see their products, there had better be something worth mentioning. Yet, he announces the Hi-Fi and iPod socks. Can't believe he touted iPod socks on stage at a press event.

And I do think that they expect this to be a giant success. I never said they'd sell as many iPads as iPhones in the first year (where did I say that?), but I do think they expect it to sell as well in the long run. Why else attempt to create a new category of devices? I do not think they'll be happy with 3-4 million.