Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Does anyone watch the TV show Modern Family? This week's episode prominently featured the iPad as one of its main plot lines. I don't know any other consumer electronics company in the world that could pull that off. Actually, I can't think of any other company that makes anything that could pull that off.

Wait wait wait...are you actually giving CREDIT to Apple for turning a 30 minute humorous sitcom into a 30 minute advertisement? This kind of thing is one of my least favorite things to happen to TV in the last several years, and it sure sounds like you're applauding them for it. (by the way, Phil is my least favorite part of that entire show. I find him horribly tedious).

But like Tim says, there are plenty of other companies that do this sort of crap all the time. Did you watch the full season of White Collar? The presence of Ford Sync in that show was nauseating. Eureka had a terrible commercial tie-in with a deodorant (Degree, I believe) a couple seasons ago, and this past season they wouldn't shut up about their damn new Subaru.

About the iPad: recently, I found myself actually wondering whether I'd like one. I read all my comic books on my computer, and I'd love to have a tablet to do that in bed or on the couch. But the problem is that that's the ONLY thing I'd do with it. Because of that, I'll wait until there's a super cheap knock-off that isn't tied to an app store controlled by tight-asses, and I'll be plenty happy with it. I don't need an app store anyway, just one app to do the one thing I want the device for.

And whatever tablet I got, whether it be a cheapo product or an iPad someone handed to me for free, neither has any chance whatsoever of replacing my netbook.

Anyway, I hope the iPad owners enjoy their devices and get a lot of use out of them. I do not argue that it's a bad product, merely that I have no use for it, particularly at that price.