If the iPad doesn't outsell most other companies' notebook and netbook computers I'll be *very* surprised.

Penguin Books: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdExukJVUGI&feature=player_embedded#

Wallstreet Journal: http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/03/murdoch-confirms-wsj-coming-to-ipad-device-kept-under-padlock/

A number of other notable mentions from other companies in the past week or two. Could these apps/books/publications be made for a different platform? Sure. But they won't be, and that's the important part and what's going to help drive sales of this thing. It may just be as big or bigger than the iPhone in less time than anticipated.

I'm not any more likely to buy one than I was when it was first announced, but I can see owning a future revision in a few years. Possibly a few of them actually, since as mentioned, I think they can make great single-pupose devices.
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