Once I got it home I got the wireless configured and the tests came back positive but the online store does exactly what you said. I did manage to get Sonice the Hedgehog for Genesis off of the store from my girlfriend's. Didn't the first Sonic game allow you to charge your spin? I don't have a classic controller, maybe that's it. Every time I crouch and press a button to spin him he just jumps.

I was able to get it too (I can get on the store occasionally), and I thought the same thing. But I could be wrong. You might just have to get up speed with long runs.

I wonder how many other people are having issues with the store...

I heard that the store was going to be updated every Monday with new titles. I really hope they keep up that kind of pace. I don't plan on buying a large number of VC titles, but there are a select few that I would love to have on my system.